Goddess Isis Protection Spell

Unlock the ancient mysteries of the Goddess Isis Protection Spell, a powerful ritual that promises to shield you or your loved ones from harm. Discover the step-by-step guide that will connect you with the enduring strength and wisdom of Isis, ensuring peace and safety in your life.


Rowena K

4/11/20245 min read

Goddess Isis Protection Spell

In the twilight of our modern world, amidst the clamor of scientific breakthroughs and the relentless pursuit of technological advancement, lies a whispered truth as ancient as the stars themselves. It's a secret guarded by the sands of time, revealed only to those who dare to look beyond the veil of reality. This secret is the enduring power of the goddess Isis, whose magic has been invoked for protection, healing, and wisdom since the dawning age of ancient Egypt. In the heart of this mystical tradition lies the Protection Spell of Isis, a ritual as potent today as it was thousands of years ago. But why, one might ask, does this ancient spell continue to weave its protective embrace with such efficacy? The answer lies not only in the unwavering faith of those who call upon Isis but also in the mystical properties of a stone as ancient as the goddess herself: lapis lazuli.

Lapis lazuli, with its deep celestial blue, is more than just a stone; it is a fragment of the infinite universe, a piece of the night sky solidified and brought to Earth. It was cherished by the ancient Egyptians, who saw in its golden flecks the sparkle of the stars, and believed it provided a direct connection to the divine. When incorporated into the Protection Spell of Isis, lapis lazuli serves as a beacon, a guiding light for Isis’s watchful gaze, ensuring that her protective powers are accurately channeled and magnified.

Why does this spell work? The answer is twofold. Firstly, the sincere invocation of Isis, a goddess revered for her protective qualities, establishes a spiritual resonance that transcends the mundane to touch the divine. Isis’s essence is that of a mother, a healer, and a protector; when called upon with genuine intent, she responds with the full might of her compassion and strength. Secondly, the lapis lazuli, steeped in its own sacred history, acts as a catalyst, amplifying the connection between the mortal and the divine. Its presence in the spell is not merely symbolic; it is a key that unlocks deeper spiritual interaction, facilitating a shield of protection that is both ancient and impenetrable.

The relevance of lapis lazuli in this spell cannot be overstated. Just as our ancestors looked to the stars for guidance and protection, so too does the lapis lazuli remind us of our connection to the cosmos. In its essence, it carries the power to protect not just the body, but the spirit and soul, aligning the practitioner with the higher vibrations of the universe and the protective embrace of Isis herself.

In this modern era, where shadows linger and dangers unseen walk beside us, the Protection Spell of Isis, fortified by the celestial power of lapis lazuli, serves as a beacon of hope. It is a testament to the enduring belief in the power of the divine, and a reminder that some truths, though ancient, will forever hold sway in the hearts of those who believe. Through this spell, we do not just seek protection; we reconnect with the ancient wisdom that teaches us the value of the divine, the power of our intentions, and the unbreakable bond between the heavens and the earth.

Protection Spell Ingredients:

  1. Lapis Lazuli Stone - A beacon of protection and connection to divine wisdom.

  2. White Candle - To symbolize purity, protection, and the illumination of guidance.

  3. Piece of Paper - On which to write the name of the person or object of protection.

  4. Pen or Pencil - Preferably in a color that signifies protection to you (black, blue, or gold are common choices).

  5. Small Bowl of Water - Representing emotional clarity, purification, and the flow of protective energies.

  6. Fresh Mint Leaves - For their refreshing and protective properties (optional, can be used to circle the base of the candle or to infuse the water).

  7. An Incense Stick or Essential Oil (optional) - Frankincense or myrrh are traditionally associated with spiritual protection and connection to the divine.

Preparation and Focus:

  • Prior to beginning your spell, ensure that your space is quiet, clean, and free from interruptions.

  • Cleanse your space and yourself to rid any negative energy. This can be achieved through smudging with sage, palo santo, or even using sound like a bell or a singing bowl.

  • Ground yourself through meditation or a few moments of deep, mindful breathing to center your thoughts and intentions.

Approach this spell with a clear intention and a respectful heart, keeping in mind the sacred connection you are about to make with the energies of Isis and the ancient wisdom she embodies. Remember, the most powerful tool in any spiritual work is your intention and the clarity and purity of your focus.

Lapis Lazuli. Goddess Isis Protection Spell
Lapis Lazuli. Goddess Isis Protection Spell


1. Prepare Your Space:
  1. Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Cleanse the area and yourself to remove any negative energy. This can be done by burning sage, palo santo, or using sounds from a bell or bowl. Light the white candle to signify the beginning of your ritual.

    2. Set Your Intention:

    Take a moment to meditate on the purpose of this spell — the protection of yourself or someone else. Visualize a shield of light surrounding the subject of your spell, offering them protection.

    3. Activate the Lapis Lazuli:

    Hold the lapis lazuli in your dominant hand, closing your eyes and envisioning it being infused with a bright, protective light. Feel its ancient connection to Isis and its role as a protector.

    Check price of Lapis Lazuli here

    4. Write Your Intention:

    On the piece of paper, write the name of the person or item you wish to protect. If the protection is for yourself, write your own name. Fold the paper and place it under the candle.

    5. Fill the Bowl with Water:

    Pour water into the bowl and place the fresh mint leaves into it (if using). This water symbolizes emotional purity and the flow of Isis’s protective energy.

    6. Invocation and Prayer to Isis:
    • Begin by focusing on the flame of the candle, allowing its light and warmth to fill the space.

    • Hold the lapis lazuli close to your heart and recite the following invocation with clear intention and sincerity:

      "Oh, Isis, Divine Mother, Protector and Healer,
      Your wings span across the heavens, sheltering those under your care.
      I call upon your grace, your strength, and your unwavering love,
      To guard [Name] from harm, to surround them with your protective light.
      With this lapis lazuli, a stone of your wisdom and power,
      I ask for your shield to be ever-present,
      Guiding and protecting [Name] through day and night.
      As your magic protected Horus, may it now protect [Name],
      From all that wishes to harm, from all that carries ill will.
      I offer my thanks, my heart, and my devotion,
      As I seek your protection and blessing.
      So mote it be."

    7. Close the Spell:

    Visualize the person or item being completely surrounded by a protective light. Feel the presence of Isis and her protection being firmly established. Take the bowl of water with mint and gently pour it outside on the earth as an offering to Isis, thanking her for her protection and assistance.

    8. Conclude the Ritual:

    Allow the candle to burn down safely, or if you must extinguish it, do so with gratitude in your heart for the protection granted. Carry the lapis lazuli with you or place it somewhere significant as a physical reminder of Isis’s protection.

Remember, the effectiveness of this spell is deeply rooted in your intention and faith. Approach this ritual with respect for the ancient traditions from which it draws inspiration, and carry the protective energy of Isis with you, confident in the knowledge that you have sought the blessings of a powerful protector.

Goddess Isis protection Spell
Goddess Isis protection Spell